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The Alpina is located in one of the most exclusive villages of Switzerland, Gstaad. This is where the jet-setters & royalities spend their winter holidays. Represented in the hotel is locally sources materials and craftmanships. The interiors goes beyond the typically swiss cottage and brings a more alp-chic feel to it. I personally love the wooden art-work shown in the first image. Designed by HBA.

The Alpina, Gstaad


This Swedish company produces superb hardware for bathrooms. With its signature brass products it makes any bathroom look like a million bucks, litteraly. The company has the experice from working with both residential & commercial projects. My favorite is their brass showers that has a conterporary design with a very luxurious feel. 


DENÄ°Z is a turkish designer based in Istanbul. She describe herself as an "Ambiance consultant". Her designs all have an oriental touch often in materials such as brass and bronze. Her fine perseption of detail makes her work just wonderful!

Ulf Nordfjell

Ulf Nordfjell is a Swedish landscape architect who keeps on impressing with is work. As the winner of the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show he has to be considered as one of the top landscapers in the world.

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